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organic modern rug

Eco-Friendly, Modern Organic Rugs 

Handmade, sustainable area rugs woven from plant-based materials. Non toxic dyes, natural backings & no chemical treatments. Yay, happy toes :)

Looking to buy a chemical free rug for your home? 

Here's 3 quick tips for choosing eco friendly rugs for your healthy home

...Source natural fibers

Choose rugs crafted from natural fibers like wool, cotton, jute, sisal, or bamboo. These materials are biodegradable, renewable, and require less energy to produce than most synthetic materials. And natural fibers are what most nontoxic area rugs are made from.

...Avoid chemical stain treatments & dyes

Naturally, you should avoid any nontoxic rug that has been treated with chemicals such as flame retardants or stain repellents, which can off-gas into a home and create health problems, especially in vulnerable populations. You can do this by researching the seller and only supporting sustainable, ethical, health-conscious manufacturers.

...Choose high quality loom for area rugs

Finally, simply choose high-quality rugs. These may cost a bit more, but investing in a well-made and durable piece for your home is an investment that you can enjoy every day. This will ultimately reduce waste—and save you money in the long term. Beautiful healthy rugs are available in many visual styles, with colors, patterns, and textures to suit your décor and unique home style.

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